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Europe Awards, tributes and honours
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World Methodist Peace Award reads "World Methodist Council today recognises you, Dr Nelson Mandela, for the inspiration and hope you have brought to South Africa, the Continent of Africa, and the peoples of World

For over half a century your name has become synonymous with freedom and reconciliation" Signed Dr Frances M Alguire, Chairperson World Methodist Council and Dr Joe Hale, General Secretary World Methodist Council

The city of Paris names a garden after Nelson Mandela; Jardin Nelson Mandela

On the 7th Of June 1990, on his first trip abroad after imprisonment, Nelson Mandela visited the City of Paris and gave a speech. He was received like a head of state, although he was not one at the time. Accompanied by Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela, that trip to France came with a clear message that "France must support a new & reformed South Africa". Four years later, Nelson Mandela became the first black democratic President of South Africa. A few weeks after his election, François Mitterr became the first Head of State to be received on an official visit by Madiba. The garden was opened in May 2018, after 5 years of work.
Zandile Myeka, a Metadata and Photographs Archivist at the Nelson Mandela Foundation visited the garden in July 2024, and took photographs of the €40 million, four hectares green space garden.

Posthumous Title of Honorary Member to Nelson Mandela from UIA

On July 18th, 2018, in honour of what would have been Nelson Mandela's 100th birthday, the UIA awarded him the posthumous title of Honorary Member. The ceremony took place in the Portuguese Ministry of Justice and was hosted by the Portuguese Minister of Justice Francisca van Dunem and UIA President, Pedro Pais de Almeida.

Union Internationale des Avocats

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