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National Archives United Kingdom

The trial and sentencing of Constable Johannes Arnoldus Greef for his role on helping Arthur Goldreich to escape. Newspaper article. Report on the substance of O.R. Tambo to the U.N. special committee about people accused of sabotage . Report 9 October 1963. Report on the proceedings of the Rivonia trial. Press reports. 222 Acts of sabotage between 10 August 1961 and 1963. Article from the Star (9 October 1963). Moves to raise Pretoria trial issue at U.N. Article from the Star ( 10 October 1963). Conversation with Bram Fischer about the Rivonia trial. Letter from Durossil to the Foreign Office, London ( 19 October 1963). De Wet quashed indictment "The Rivonia trial collapses.
Articles from the Rand Daily Mail. ( 30 October 1963)

Rand Daily Mail