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Prison Collection

  • Series
  • 1962-1990

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Mandela notes during CODESA

  • ZA COM NMPP-2009/84
  • Series
  • 1992
Two notes by Mandela: one to Winnie on CODESA notebook page; one with notes on back of ‘while you were out’ slip.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Statement issued by the Honorary Secretary of the All-in-African National Action Council, 1961.06.05: [Set of 4 Images]

  • ZA COM NMPP 2010/51
  • page
  • 1961-06-05
Typed statement issued and signed by Nelson Mandela in his capacity as Secretary of the All-in-African National Action Council. The statement expresses disgust at the action of the authorities in closing the Fort Hare and Healdtown educational institutions, thereby victimising students for participating in a peaceful nation-wide protest (being a stay-away which was organised by the Council to coincide with South Africa's becoming a Republic on 31 May 1961).
Includes covering note and envelope.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Notebooks and Notes

  • ZA COM NMPP 2009/8
  • Series
  • 1990 - 2001
This series consists of 28 notebooks, 11 folders of notes written on a variety of sheets of paper, in notebooks and diaries by Nelson Mandela. It also includes 2 diaries kept by his secretaries.
It contains Nelson Mandela’s handwritten notes from the time of his release until his retirement from politics. There are also desk diaries from the Presidential period. It documents deliberations, personal thoughts, important meetings with heads of state, ANC meetings and communication with comrades, formal and informal discussion with people from all walks of life. Also included are notes received from other people by Mr Mandela.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Private and Personal Papers

  • ZA COM NMPP 2009/7
  • Series
  • c1930-2007
This series is divided into 2 subseries:
I: Nelson Mandela’s 3 passports, including his first legal passport, which was issued on 19 February 1990.
II: A copy of the death certificate of Mandela’s mother, Fanny Nosekeni Mandela and 6 Methodist church membership cards (Sunday School).

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Rick Stengel Interviews with Nelson Mandela

  • ZA COM NMPP 2009/57
  • Series
  • 1993 - 1994
Audio recordings and transcripts of conversations that Rick Stengel had with Nelson Mandela for the research of Long Walk to Freedom, covering Nelson Mandela's life from 1918-1994.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Ahmed Kathrada Collection II

  • ZA COM NMAP 2011/7
  • Series
  • Unknown
Copies of document in Mandela's hand which serves as a covering note for the document in AM Kathrada's hand and in another hand which follows.

Kathrada, Ahmed Mohamed (Kathy)

Judge Thumba Pillay Collection

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/9
  • Series
  • 1959-01-01 - 1979-12-31
This series consists of two letters smuggled out of Robben Island in 1977. Mac Maharaj gave them to Judge Thumba Pillay of legal firm of Pillay Seedat & Co. The letters are written by Nelson Mandela and Ahmed Kathrada, both of them wishing to appoint the firm to act on their behalf in legal proceedings against the Department of Prisons. Since the authorities refused contact with their attorneys, they had to use this "illegal" method to seek legal representation. The collection includes an envelope that Judge Pillay had posted addressed to his law firm. He did this in the event that the Security Police questioned him about how he received the letters, he would be able to prove that they were posted anonymously to him.
A second donation of Judge Thumba Pillay contains correspondence and documents (mainly copies) pertaining to the case of Mandela vs Minister of Prisons.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Assorted Papers

  • NMPP-PC-2009/5.2
  • Subseries
  • 1980 - 1990
The subseries consists of a 1990 diary given to him by JN and Radhi Singh, Methodist Church Sunday Service booklet and a file of assorted papers.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla