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Mandalas for Mandela Launch, 2011.12.04, Houghton:[Set of 59 Still Images]

Launch of the ''Mandalas for Mandela'' exhibition. A collaboration between the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Arts Alive and Imbali Visual Arts and the Constitution Hill. The exhibition comprises Mandalas from students from 26 Gauteng schools. It was launched at Constitution Hill on 6 September 2011 to coincide with the Arts Alive festival.

Davies, Lee

Launch of the photobook 'Mandela: The Authorised Portrait' at the NMF, 2006.10.09, Houghton: [Set of 188 Still Images]

The launch of the coffee table book ‘Mandela: The Authorised Portrait’ with Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Albie Sachs, Ahmed Kathrada, Trevor Manuel, Jakes Gerwel, Graça Machel and others. Some nice photos of Mandela and others with the book cover behind them.

Oryx Media Production