9th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture By Ismail Serageldin, 2011.07.23, Soweto: [Set of 120 Images]
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- 2011.07.23
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
9th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture By Ismail Serageldin, 2011.07.23, Soweto: [Set of 120 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
9th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, 2011.07.23, Johannesburg: [Set of 160 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Agence France-Press (AFP), 1950s-1990s, South Africa: [Set of 11 Still Images]
Agence France-presse
Albert Park Community, 2010, Albert Park: [Set of 17 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Alf Kumalo, 1950s-1990s, Soweto and Tshwane: [Set of 19 Still Images]
Kumalo, Alf
Amandla Cultural Ensemble: [Set of 19 Images]
AMO, 1995-1996, South Africa: [Set of 13 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Ngwenya, Juda
Annual lecture, 2008.07.12, Kliptown: [Set of 84 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Annual Lecture, 2009.07.11, Johannesburg: [Set of 195 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Annual lecture, 2010.07.31, Johannesburg: [Set of 294 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Annual lecture, 2013.08.17, Johannesburg: [Set of 128 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
APN, 1990s-2000s, South Africa: [Set of 19 Still Images]
Artists Tribute, 2014.12.06, Houghton: [Set of 44 Images]
van der Stoep, Yolanda
Associated Press (AP), 1960s-1990s, South Africa: [Set of 4 Still Images]
Associated Press (AP)
Association Press, South Africa: [Set of Six Images]
Associated Press (AP)
Raadschelders, Lucia
Baileys African History Archives (BAHA), 1950s-1960s, South Africa: [Set of 22 Still Images]
Baileys African History Archives (BAHA)
Bailey's African History Archives (BAHA), 1950s-1960s, South Africa: [Set of 23 Still Images]
Baileys African History Archives (BAHA)
Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, 2016, October: [Set of 101 Images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
de Silva, Sujeewa
Benny Gool, 1990s-2010s, Cape Town: [Set of 17 Images]
Gool, Benny
Benny Gool/Oryx Media, 1990s, South Africa: [Set of 14 Images]
Gool, Benny
Big Roar for Mandela, 2014.12.07, Houghton: [Set of 67 Images]
van der Stoep, Yolanda
Bobby Heaney, South Africa: [1 Still Image]
Heaney, Bobby
Book signing at Boekehuis, 2010.07.29. Johannesburg: [Set of 34 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Breakfast meeting at the University of Johannesburg, 2012,08.07, Johannesburg: [Set of 127 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Breakfast with President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, 2008.07.11, Tshwane: [set of 299 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Ngwenya, Juda
Briefing and heritage walking tour, 2009.07.08, Johannesburg: [Set of 119 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Business in Dialogue, 2013.08, Houghton: [Set of 77 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Butterknife PR, 2015.06.05, Klipspruit: [Set of 343 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Butterknife PR
Capacity Enhancement Programme, 2010.09, Johannesburg: [Set of 131 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Cape Town, 2010.07.18: [Set of 61 Still Images ]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
van Huyssteen, Alet
Chris Ledochowski, 1990.02.11, Cape Town: [Still Image]
Ledochowski, Chris
Chris Ledochowski, 1990s, South Africa: [Set of Two Still Images]
Ledochowski, Chris
Part of Prison Collection
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 2016: [Set of 32 Images]
Part of 3.4 Memory Programme > Events
de Silva, Sujeewa
Community conversation in Nyanga,Western Cape, 2010.07.22: [Set of 26 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
van Zyl, Anita
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
'Conversations with Myself' publicity photos with Nelson Mandela, 2010.08.25, Houghton: [Set of 105]
Yazbek, Debbie
Conversations with Myself Team, 2010.08.25, Houghton: [Set of 21 Images]
Yazbek, Debbie
Corbis, 1990s, Cape Town: [Set of 3 Still Images]
Cory Library-Rhodes University, circa1936, Eastern Cape: [Set of Two Images]
David Turnley, 1994, Cape Town: [1 Still Image]
Turnley, David
Day 1 of the ART Delivery Conference, 2006.10, Maropeng, Gauteng: [Set of 153 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Bruce, Jennifer
Day 2 at the Conference, 2006.10, Maropeng, Gauteng: [Set of 199 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Bruce, Jennifer
Dialogue around xenophobia in Gugulethu, 2010.07.22, Cape Town: [Set of 29 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
van Zyl, Anita
Dialogue at Freedom Park, 2010.07, Tshwane: [Set of 134 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Dialogue at the CIDA Campus, 2009.07.10, Johannesburg: [Set of 149 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Dialogue at the University of Johannesburg, 2011.07.22, Soweto: [Set of 14 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Dialogue at Wits Theatre, 2010.07. Johannesburg: [Set of 152 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Dialogue on the challenge of science in building democracy, 2011.07.22, Houghton: [Set of 97 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Dialogue "Suspect Reconciliation", 2010.07.23, Cape Town: [Set of 93 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
van Zyl, Anita
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Blue Media
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Dialogue with the University of Pretoria at Freedom Park , 2012.08.07, Tshwane: [Set of 59 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Diepsloot Community, 2010.02.25, Diepsloot: [Set of 53 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Old Mutual
Dinner photos, 2008.07.11, Johannesburg: [Set of 136 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Ngwenya, Juda
Documents and correspondence, 1950s-1970s: [Set of 54 Sitll Images]
Eastern Cape Province Dialogue, 2002.10.22, Eastern Cape: [Set of 91 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Gool, Benny
Eric Miller, 1990-1994, South Africa: [Set of Five Still Images]
Miller, Eric
Exhibition "On the frontline" photographs, 2015.05.14, Houghton: [Set of 45 Images]
Raadschelders, Lucia
Family scrapbook: 1950s - 2000s;[Set of 124 Images]
Franschhoek, 2010.07.18: [Set of 29 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
van Huyssteen, Alet
Galeshewe Community conversation, 2008.08.14, Galeshwe: [Set of 51 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Gallo Getty, 1990s, South Africa: [Set of 42 Images]
Getty Images
Gallo- Getty,1950s-2013, South Africa and the USA: [Set of 16 Still Images]
Gauteng Community dialogue, 2009, Gauteng: [Set of 12 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of Jakes Gerwel Collection
George Hallett, 1994-2000, South Africa: [Set of 3 Still Images]
Hallett, George
Getty Images, 1994.03.15, Bophuthatswana: [1 Still Image]
Getty Images
Giyani Community, 2010, Giyani: [Set of 46 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Graeme Williams, 1990s, South Africa: [Set of 7 Still Images]
Williams, Graeme
Graeme Williams, 1991.12.21, Johannesburg: [Still Image]
Williams, Graeme
Guy Stubbs, 1994.05.10, Tshwane: 1 [Still Image]
Stubbs, Guy
Handout of goods by participants of Trek4Mandela, 2015.07, Tanzania: [Set of Five Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Minja, Honest
Handout of supplies, 2015.07.24, Mbombela: [Set of Nine Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Mabaso, Richard
Heritage Agency, 2009, Alexandra: [1 Still Image]
Heritage Agency
"In conversation" in the Turbine Hall, 2009.07.09, Johannesburg: [Set of 153 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Irish Community in Johannesburg, 2012.08.08, Johannesburg: [Set of 54 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lerole, Tumelo
Jose Melo, 1980.11, Amsterdam: [1 Still Image]
Melo, Jose
Jürgen Schadeberg, 1960, Sharpeville: [1 Still Image]
Schadeberg, Jürgen
Jürgen Schadeberg, 1960s, South Africa: [Set of Six Images]
Schadeberg, Jürgen
Kamaqhekeza Community, 2010.02.23, Kamaqhekeza: [Set of 90 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Khayelitsha, 2010.07.18: [Set of 74 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
van Huyssteen, Alet
Kliptown Community conversation, 2008.06.09, Kliptown: [Set of 185 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
KwaLanga community conversation, 2008.07.23, KwaLanga: [Set of 123 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
KwaMakhutha community conversation, 2008, KwaMakhutha: [Set of 22 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
KZN Community dialogue, 2009, KwaZulu Natal: [Set of 40 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Launch of "Conversations with Myself by Talk Radio 702", 2010.09, Johannesburg: [Set of 39 Images]
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Launch of the Norton Rose Fullbright initiative, 2017.02.10, Houghton: [Set of 29 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Hearfield, Rebecca
Leandra Community, 2010, Leandra (South Africa): [Set of 15 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Lee Davies, 2016.03.31, Cape Town: [Set of 85 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Davies, Lee
Lerome Community Dialogue , 2008, Lerome: [Set of 139 Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Part of Prison Collection
Limpopo Province Dialogue, 2002, Limpopo: [Set of 96 Still Images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Gool, Benny
Lucia Raadschelders, 2016.03.31, Cape Town: [Set of 26 Images]
Part of 5.3 NMF > Staff
Davies, Lee