Scroll of Honor from the Southern Transvaal African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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- undated
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Southern Transvaal African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Scroll of Honor from the Southern Transvaal African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Southern Transvaal African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Part of Rivonia Trial
These records were donated by the Oppenheimer Family to the National Archives in 2008 from the Brenthurst Library in Johannesburg. The Oppenheimers acquired them from Dr Percy Yutar, the prosecutor in the trial.
They are not a complete record. Some witness testimony, and cross-examination are missing. See linked list for more details.
Included in the records are the indictment, opening address, statements, evidence by witnesses for the State and for the accused, evaluation of evidence of the trial, judgment and sentence, photographs, the diary Mandela kept when he left South Africa secretly at the beginning of 1962 to undergo military training and to garner support for the banned ANC. Also included is Mandela's statement from the dock. A significant component of the material is the working papers of the prosecution that were used to build up the State's case against the Rivonia Trialists. There are also photocopies and microfilm copies.
There are also prosecution records from the Yutars in the personal collection of Douw Steyn and at Liliesleaf Farm.
Yutar, Percy
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Mandela Street in Mamelodi East, Tshwane (previously Pretoria)
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Black man in a white man's court : Nelson Mandela's first court statement - 1962
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Service Radio RSA general- Class actuality- meeting between the SA government and ANC. Concept news conference in Pretoria after a meeting between the SA government. The ANC- concept news - conference in Pretoria after meeting between the South African Government and the African National Congress.
SABC Sound Archives
Mandela Day in Atteridgeville, 2009.07.19: [Set of 51 still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd
Part of Mandela Materials
Radio South Africa actuality on violence in Worcester, deputy President of the ANC Mr Nelson Mandela spoke about the violence throughout the country during a rally in Worcester.
RECORDBC 19900918
SABC Sound Archives
Graffiti by prisoners in the Palace of Justice, 2010, Tshwane (South Africa): [Set of 225 Images]
Part of 3.3 Memory Programme > Archives
Willman, Matthew
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
Part of Rivonia Trial
Department of Justice
Part of Rivonia Trial
UNISA bought the microfilm from CAMP (Cooperative Africana Microfilm Project). These were transferred from the Archives and Special Collections.
Reel FI4059:
-Starts on list of evidence and exhibits (incomplete)
-First indictment
-Annexure B to Indictment: The defence request for further particulars and State's reply thereto Part I and II
-Notice of application to quash indictment (27 October 1963)
-Heads of argument re application to quash by Bram Fischer and Percy Yutar's reply
-Second indictment
-Annexure A to indictment: Particulars to the counts set out in the indictment
-Annexure C
-Annexure B
-Notice to quash (22 November 1963)
-Heads of argument
-Bail applications of Bernstein and Kantor and judgment on application
-Opening address by Percy Yutar
-Index to state witnesses and exhibits
-Statements by witnesses including, amongst others, Makda, Mtolo, Davids, Mashiloane, Sulliman, Jaantjies, Jelliman. Card
-Notes on state witnesses evidence taken by defence (volumes 1-4 and extra piece in volume 5). Incomplete.
Reel FI4060:
-Continuation of witness statements including Mtolo,
-Notes on state witnesses evidence taken by defence
-Record of state witnesses in regard to James Kantor: Makda, Gibson, Kleynhans, Cox, First, Fenn, van Rensburg
-Analysis of state evidence by defence
-Defence opening address and Nelson Mandela's (sic) Statement from the Dock
-Walter Sisulu's evidence volume 1 (p.1-155), volume 2 (p. 156-296)
Reel FI4061:
-Walter Sisulu's evidence volume 3 (p. 297-356), volume 4 (p. 357-464)
-Ahmed Kathrada's evidence
-Raymond Mhlaba's evidence
-Lionel Bernstein's evidence (with notes)
-Denis Goldberg's evidence and cross examination by Mr Krog
-Govan Mbeki's evidence (includes notes passed between defence (?) team
-Elias Motsoaledi's statement (4 pages)
-Andrew Mlangeni's statement
-Analysis of defence evidence and notes on argument
-Evidence in mitigation of sentence and judgement on sentence
-Photographs of Rivonia
-Index of accused and co-conspirators and photographs
-Plans of Mountain view and Liliesleaf Farm
-List of documents found by police in raids
-Statement prepared by Nelson Mandela in his handwriting
-Evidence prepared by Sisulu in his handwriting
-Handwritten statement prepared by Sisulu in event of receiving the death sentence
It appears that these microfilms are a defence set and, according to the archivist, the originals came from Joel Joffe. However, they are not identical to the defence set of trial records at Wits (AD1844). That set contains some material that these microfilm do not and this set contains some material that Wits' does not (most notably, Sisulu's evidence and Goldberg's evidence are both complete in UNISA's and not at Wits). The reason for the differences are not known.
Freedom Park Oral History Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
67 Blankets for Mandela Day, 2015.04.21, Tshwane: [Set of 22 Still Images]
Part of 5.1 NMF > Mandela Day
67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day
491 days : Prisoner number 1323/69
Part of Reference Books
Madikizela-Mandela, Winifred Nomzamo Zanyiwe
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
South African Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
National Library of South Africa
Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run 2018
Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run, 2018.12.09, Pretoria: [Set of 10 still images]
Part of 4 Dialogue Programme
Plexus Films
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Dakada, Mandlenkosi
Speech by Nelson Mandela at a farewell banquet in his honour hosted by President Thabo Mbeki
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the National Awards Ceremony
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (The State versus N Mandela and Others)
Part of Rivonia Trial
The records of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Transvaal Provincial Division) on the proceedings of the Rivonia Trial. Transferred to National Archives in 1994. Incomplete on transfer. Existent records are:
File cover with handwritten notes, including the sentences that were passed. The clerk of the court recorded the sentences that were passed together with the names of the accused on the cover of a file in blue ink.
Extracts of evidence by state witnesses (3 vols). These volumes include records by the attorney for the accused, Mr. B Fischer, applying for the postponement of the proceedings and the reply by Dr Yutar, the State’s main prosecutor. Further records include the verbatim transcriptions of evidence given by state witnesses.
Evidence for defence (1 vol.). Include verbatim transcriptions of evidence given by Ahmed Kathrada, Raymond Mhlaba, Lionel Bernstein and Govan Mbeki.
Rivonia Exhibits (1 vol.). The exhibits include documents seized by the police at Liliesleaf and deals with topics such as the Transkei; Operation Mayibuye; the new draft programme of the South African Communist Party (SACP); names and addresses of ANC and SACP members; a copy of Sibanye, a newsletter; documents discussing problems in the democratic movement, the Nationalists invasion scare, the general predictions for 1963; handwritten notes on freedom movements elsewhere in Africa; an article by E Rosenthal on General De Wet; a syllabus on the fundamental principles of Marxism; a pamphlet named 'A Call to the Youth'; a manual on rock blasting; the rules of the SACP; sketch of Tunisia; handwritten notes on the Kenya Youth Wing Organisations; SACP newsletter on the China/India border dispute; statement by the SACP on conditions in South Africa; document on the differences in the communist movement; invoices from Ace Auto electricians; press statement by Nelson Mandela on 26 June 1961.
State’s Concluding Address (4 vols). These volumes are divided into three parts. The first part deals with a factual analysis of documentary exhibits handed in, and of oral testimony given, by state witnesses. Part two deals with a factual analysis of the documentary exhibits handed in, and of the oral testimony given, by state witnesses (continued). The third part deals with the Rivonia exhibits.
Two volumes consisting of Judge’s remarks in passing sentence; the Attorney General for the Transvaal’s statement explaining which of the accused was found guilty of what offences; a part of the judgement and verbatim transcriptions of the court proceedings
Judgement (1 vol.).
Dictabelts covering the whole case (8 vols). These are digitised and accessible from NARSSA.
These records, together with the Prosecution Records received from Brenthurst Library, will at some stage become one group.
Department of Justice
Department of Correctional Services Political Prisoner Files
Part of Rivonia Trial
This collection consists of files, kept by prison authorities, on all political prisoners held in prisons in South Africa. The list for these files is in three parts but only the first two relate to Rivonia Trialists.
List A reflects files of nine people, including Kathrada, Mandela, Mbeki, Mhlaba, Mlangeni of the Rivonia Trialists. These files contain correspondence.
List B has many more political prisoners' files. These files contain general correspondence re prisoners, transfers etc. The only Rivonia Trialist in List B is Denis Goldberg.
List C deals with specific issues such as medical attention and education of prisoners but does not include any of the Rivonia Trialists.
Department of Correctional Services
Smith, William & Pretorius, Fanie : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Pretoria : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Address at Heritage Day Celebration, 24 September 2002
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Rivonia Trial
Goldberg, Denis Theodore
A prisoner in the garden: Opening Nelson Mandela's prison archives
Part of Reference Books
Harris, Verne
Twenty Five Years of Apartheid
Part of Rivonia Trial
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Carter-Karis Collection of South African Materials
Part of Rivonia Trial
Karis, Thomas
The State versus Nelson Mandela and Nine Others
Part of Rivonia Trial
Department of Justice
Address by Nelson R. Mandela at Union Buildings at Pretoria
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Nelson Mandela address to ANC Rally, 2 August 2008
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Land is ours: South Africa's first black lawyers and the birth of constitutionalism
Part of Reference Books
Ngcukaitobi, Tembeka
South African Police Museum and Archives Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
The Museum contains evidence and documentation related to high profile police investigations. Rivonia Trial material is as follows:
Artefacts taken as evidence during the raid on Liliesleaf Farm:
-Three duplication machines (Roneo 750)
-Two radio transmitters
Incomplete. These came to the Museum from John Vorster Square Police Station. They were then transferred back to the Police Station. When they were finally returned to the Museum, some artefacts and evidence was missing.
Archival files contain:
-One page on artefacts and their significance when transferred from John Vorster Square Police Station to the Museum in 1984.
-Labels from artefact evidence
-Pamphlets collected as evidence
-Instruction manual for duplication machine
-Press clippings from trial
-State's Concluding Address III (Afrikaans)
All 639.29-2/2A
Notes for President Nelson Mandela's Address at the Veterans' Banquet
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Toespraak van President Mandela by geleentheid van 'n onthaal deur die Burgemeester van Pretoria
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Honorary doctorate Doctor of Laws from the University of Pretoria
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
University of Pretoria
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Ruiterwag Gathering of Young Afrikaner Leaders
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Special Inter- Governmental Forum on the Budget
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela Tydens 'n Ontmoeting met Afrikaanse Vroue Organisasies
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Openingswoorde deur President Mandela tydens 'nontmoeting met Afrikaner- Organisasies
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Streeter, Chris : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Pretoria : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at a Luncheon in honour of Her Majesty Mamohato of Lesotho
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Mandela at the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund Annual General Meeting
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Notes for an address to the Department of Transport
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech at the unveiling of the Danie Theron Monument
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
President Mandela's trip to Russia, Hungary, Pakistan and China
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Meetings between President Arafat of Palestine with President Mandela and Deputy President Mbeki
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Mandela State visits to several countries
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Black man in a white man's court : Letter and cross examnination
Part of Speeches
Statement on President Mandela's Schedule
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The Treason Trial and other Trials
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Mandela Materials
Supreme Court of South Africa
The Treason Trial and other Trials
Part of Mandela Materials
Supreme Court of South Africa
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
National Intelligence Agency Archive
Part of Rivonia Trial
Inventory accessed contains one manuscript (bound photocopy in three parts) in Nelson Mandela's handwriting: "How to be a Good Communist; Dialectical Materialism; Political Economy". Preceding the manuscript are two pages from Mandela's Statement from the Dock (pages 45 and 46) and a photocopy of a sub-file indicating what the manuscript is about and that is was seizd at Rivonia.
There may be other records related to the Rivonia Trial in this archive
Part of Mandela Materials
Schadeberg, Jürgen
Lifetime Achievement award from the National Association of African Journalists
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
National Association of African Journalists
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Oath of Office as sworn by President Nelson Mandela at his inauguration
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Statement by President Nelson Mandela on the Kwazulu Natal Land Deal
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Viljoen, Constand : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Pretoria : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Duarte, Jessie : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Mazwai, Thami : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Sandton : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Part of Bibliography
Kemp, Stephanie
President Mandela's speech to the PWV 5th Provincial ANC Conference
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
The 2014 Spiritual Leadership Award from Humanity's Team
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Humanity's Team
Nyanda, Siphiwe : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2015, Johannesburg : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Annual Gold Award Ceremony of the President's Award
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the Freedom Day Celebrations
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the launch of the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Masekela, Barbara : Interviewed by Tony Trew, 2014, Cape Town : [Transcript]
Part of The Presidential Years
Trew, Tony
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the football banquet
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the South African Freedom Day Celebrations
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Fund-Raising Launch
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Address by President Nelson Mandela at the South African Reserve Bank's 75th anniversary banquet
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela at a luncheon in honour of Her Majesty Mamhato of Lesotho
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Speech by President Nelson Mandela on South Africa's Women's Day
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Address by President Nelson Mandela at a banquet in honour of President Rafsanjani of Iran
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
Part of Speeches
Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla