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4 Dialogue Programme
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Critical Dialogue Series: Understanding Christian Zionism – Bridging Faith and Justice, 2024.05.09, Houghton: [Set of 165 Still images]

Critical Dialogue Series: Understanding Christian Zionism – Bridging Faith and Justice held at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Houghton. The dialogue was aimed at fostering a reconciliation between faith and justice, by providing a space to explore Christian Zionism as we aspire to cultivate a collective recognition of our shared humanity.

Gumede, Mesia


The Nelson Mandela 5th Annual Lecture with Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel laureate. The focus of the Lecture was on the progress of Africa, that it needed to be balanced on three pillars: security, development and human rights.


Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture 2018

The 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, in partnership with the Motsepe Foundation, was delivered by former US President Barack Obama in Johannesburg on 17 July. To honour the centennial of Madiba’s birth, the 2018 lecture’s theme was “Renewing the Mandela Legacy and Promoting Active Citizenship in a Changing World”. The lecture focused on creating conditions for bridging divides, working across ideological lines, and resisting oppression and inequality.

Willman, Matthew

Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity (AFRE) WEEK, 2019.06.18, Johannesburg

Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity (AFRE) week in South Africa. Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity (AFRE) - one of an interconnected set of fellowship programs launched by The Atlantic Philanthropies as part of the foundation's final grants to empower new generations of leaders to work together around the globe to advance fairer, healthier and more inclusive societies. It is a program to support courageous and creative leaders dedicated to dismantling anti-black racism in the United States and South Africa, two nations with deep and enduring legacies of racial exclusion and discrimination.

Makwande Photography

Annual lecture, 2010.07.31, Johannesburg: [Set of 294 Images]

Professor Ariel Dorfman, a Chilean-American author, human rights activist and distinguished professor of Literature and Latin-American Studies presented the Eighth Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture on 31 July 2010. The venue for the lecture was Johannesburg’s Linder Auditorium. The theme of the lecture was: Memory, Justice and Reconciliation.

Lerole, Tumelo

Dialogue at Wits Theatre, 2010.07. Johannesburg: [Set of 152 Images]

The Dialogue "In Conversations with Ariel Dorfman" was hosted in partnership with the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) School of Drama and the Market Theatre. John Kani read from "Nothing but the Truth" and Wits Drama students performed Dorman’s play "Delirium". This was followed by a facilitated discussion between Dorfman, Kani and Nadine Gordimer.

Lerole, Tumelo

Story telling at Bertams primary school, 2010.07.30, Johannesburg: [Set of 78 Images]

Professor Ariel Dorfman reads to the students at Bertrams primary school as part of his Mandela Day commitments. After the reading the children had the opportunity to ask Professor Dorfman questions.
Professor Dorfman used the reading as an opportunity to encourage the Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 learners to read and to start writing, especially if they have the need to express themselves.

Lerole, Tumelo

Dialogue at Freedom Park, 2010.07, Tshwane: [Set of 134 Images]

Professor Ariel Dorfman with Nobel laureate Nadine Gordimer, renowned Zimbabwean-born writer Elinor Sisulu as well as poet and former political activist Doctor Mongane Wally Serote in a discussion on the role of art in consolidating democracy and fighting oppression. Shots of Professor Dorfman signing a book after the event.
The event was held in Freedom Park and gathered together authors, writers, journalists, students, scholars and academics to interrogate how art can help build strong and robust democracies.

Lerole, Tumelo

Dialogue "Suspect Reconciliation", 2010.07.23, Cape Town: [Set of 93 Images]

Professor Ariel Dorfman in Cape Town leading a panel discussion hosted by Professor Njabulo Ndebele and featuring BooK SA members Victor Dlamini, Thando Mgqolozana, Kevin Bloom, Henrietta Rose-Innes and Niq Mhlongo. The discusion was based on exploring the subject of reconciliation.

van Zyl, Anita

Annual Lecture by Kofi Annan

The Nelson Mandela 5th Annual Lecture with Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel laureate. The focuse of the Lecture was on the progress of Africa, that it needed to be balanced on three pillars: security, development and human rights.

Global Interface

20th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture by Mia Mottley, 2022.11.12, eThekwini: [Set of 1059 Still images]

The Honourable Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, delivered the 20th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture, in eThekwini on 12 November 2022, in solidarity with the people of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. She addressed the theme: Social Bonding and Decolonisation in the Context of the Climate Crisis: Perspectives from the Global South.


This Land Screening Summary

25 screenings of “This Land” documentary followed by dialogues in various areas in South Africa.

Plexus Films

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