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Mandela: The Authorised Portrait

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/10
  • Series
  • 2005
Material collected in the course of preparing the book “Mandela: The Authorised Portrait”: 54 typed interview transcripts; 55 cassette tapes; 9 digital audio mini disks (with interviews); 7 3.5" floppy disks (transcripts), with data transferred to 1 CD. The interviews were carried out by Tim Couzens and Amina Frense in 2005.


Peter Magubane Collection II

  • ZA COM NMAP 2010/18
  • Series
  • 1990-03-02
Photo slide show produced by Peter Magubane: Madiba – 20 days after release.

Magubane, Peter

Apartheid: Slide show by Peter Magubane

  • ZA COM NMAP 2012/4
  • Series
  • 2010-11-15
Photo slide show covering the 1950s-1990s with: conditions under apartheid (living, mines, agriculture, pass laws, Bantustans, trains, signage, children, elderly); protest and challenge; trials; vigilantes; train killings; release related; people.

Magubane, Peter

Assorted Papers

  • NMPP-PC-2009/5.2
  • Subseries
  • 1980 - 1990
The subseries consists of a 1990 diary given to him by JN and Radhi Singh, Methodist Church Sunday Service booklet and a file of assorted papers.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Letter from Matlata

3 pages of a letter written by Matlata [surname not included] to Mandela re update on family matters.


While you were out

A ‘while you were out’ slip which contains a message that Cde Tambo is on the line and a note on the back of the slip with contact details of Ntumbi Shope, a phone number, and ‘Kacel Mathale detained’.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


A ‘while you were out’ slip which contains a message that Cde Tambo is on the line.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla


Note on the back of a pink ‘while you were out’ slip with contact details of Ntumbi Shope, a phone number, and ‘Kacel Mathale detained.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Mandela notes during CODESA

  • ZA COM NMPP-2009/84
  • Series
  • 1992
Two notes by Mandela: one to Winnie on CODESA notebook page; one with notes on back of ‘while you were out’ slip.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Peter Magubane Collection I

  • ZA COM NMAP 2009/23
  • Series
  • 2009-07-20
Photographic slide shows produced by Peter Magubane, covering the 1970s - ca. 2000:
A. Madiba: apartheid and resistance; with Nelson Mandela since his release with Winnie, Graca, the Sisulus, Oliver Tambo, inauguration, Tutu, rallies
B. June 16th: Soweto uprising; with Brenda Fassie’s song Memesa
C. 8115 Orlando West: mainly in and around the house; Winnie and the children

Magubane, Peter

90th Birthday Message

  • ZA COM MR-S-979
  • Item
  • 2008-07-01 - 2008-07-31
  • Part of Speeches

Nelson Mandela's 90th Birthday celebration ; Video message recorded for usage by SA Embassies abroad for celebrations of the Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday

New Year

  • ZA COM MR-S-1154
  • Item
  • 1995-12-31
  • Part of Speeches

New Year Message

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Results 1 to 100 of 77684