The Guardian and the Observer Digital Archive
- MR-RT-158
- Collection
- 1791 - 2003
Part of Rivonia Trial
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The Guardian and the Observer Digital Archive
Part of Rivonia Trial
British Library Newspaper Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
Collections includes all UK national daily and Sunday newspapers from 1801 to the present, most UK and Irish regional and local newspapers, selected newspapers from around the world in European languages, a range of UK and Irish popular periodicals, mostly published weekly and fortnightly.
These would include coverage of the Rivonia Trial.
British Library
Trades Union Congress : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Trades Union Congress : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Rivonia Trial
Wall, Patrick
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 3]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Coventry Borough Labour Party : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Papers of Stephen Clingman Relating to Bram Fischer
Part of Rivonia Trial
The papers were collected by Stephen Clingman while researching his biography entitled "Bram Fischer: Afrikaner Revolutionary" (1998). They are mainly photocopies of correspondence and newspaper cuttings.
The Rivonia Trial material appears in section relating to legal and political cases in which Bram Fischer was involved (boxes 20-21), Shelfmark: MSS. Afr. S. 2444 / 21, 1 box (285 folios):
fols. 1-157) the Rivonia Trial (1963-6). Includes newspaper cuttings and typescripts entitled:
-Operation Mayibuye'
-'The Voice of the African National Congress'
-'A Call To The Youth' (issued by the Johannesburg District of the South African Communist Party)
Clingman, Stephen
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
Huddleston, Trevor
African National Congress Papers
Part of Mandela Materials
African National Congress (ANC)
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies, University of Oxford (Rhodes House Library)
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
First, Ruth
Nelson Mandela's Release Rally
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
Sampson, Anthony
Part of Rivonia Trial
The collection includes personal material of First and her immediate family such as correspondence and financial records, papers relating to First's work as a journalist in South Africa, as a university lecturer, an anti-apartheid activist, and as an author and editor of numerous books and articles on Africa and other political topics. Also included are research papers and printed material relating to First and her family, collected both during her lifetime and after her death.
Material related to the Rivonia Trial:
-Background material, correspondence and reviews concerning "No Easy Walk to Freedom," edited by Ruth First. Includes printed copies of Nelson Mandela’s speech at the Rivonia Trial, drafts of sections of the book, and a typescript of Mary Benson’s statement before the UN Special Committee on Apartheid in 1964, with handwritten alterations. Also includes correspondence, mainly between Ruth First and Heinemann Publishers, as well as clippings of newspaper reviews (RF/1/6/2)
-ANC publications includes introductory pamphlets on the ANC and the Rivonia trial, copies of magazines: Sechaba and Mayibuye.(RF/1/17/2/3)
-Materials on political detentions between 1963 and 1970, including a copy of the 1963 Detention Act, a radio script by Mary Benson entitled "Nelson Mandela and the Rivonia Trial," and notes produced by First (RF/1/18/2)
- Transcripts of interviews with Robben Island political prisoners (RF/1/18/1).
-Newspaper cuttings from both British and South African newspapers, mainly covering issues relating to politics in South Africa including the Rivonia Trial (RF/1/19)
-Correspondence (Feb 1964-Aug 1965) covering subjects such as the Rivonia Trial and First's exile to Britain. Correspondents include Govan Mbeki, Molly Bernstein and Julius Lewin (RF/2/1/2).
The collection is on indefinite loan to the Institute of Commonwealth Studies and remains the property of the Ruth First Memorial Trust.
First, Ruth
Part of Rivonia Trial
Benson, Mary
Part of Rivonia Trial
Mainly correspondence between Benson and fellow South African activists and large amounts of newspaper cuttings collected by Benson relating to South Africa and the struggle against Apartheid.
Records related to the Rivonia Trial:
-Nelson Mandela’s statement from the dock at the Rivonia Trial (ICS6/5/3)
-Elias Motsoaledi's statement (ICS6/5/7)
- Correspondence, reports and statements about the treatment of political prisoners in South Africa, including reports by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and Amnesty International
- Papers related to Nelson Mandela’s imprisonment, collected by Benson when writing her biography of Mandela, "Nelson Mandela: the Man and the Movement."
- Correspondence between Mandela and Mary Benson. There is also correspondence between Benson and others, mainly related to Mandela and campaigns for his release from prison. Correspondents include Helen Suzman, Elinor Birley, Hilda Bernstein, Oliver Tambo, Winnie Mandela, Denis Healey and Ismail Ayob.
- Typed notes on Mandela and other prisoner
-News clippings concerning Mandela, mainly from British newspapers. Subjects covered in particular detail include the Rivonia Trial and campaigns for Mandela's release (ICS6/8)
Benson, Mary
Papers of Justice ( British Section of the International Commission of Jurists)
Part of Mandela Materials
Sargant, Tom
Part of Mandela Materials
Grant, Bernie
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Rivonia Trial
Archive of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)
Part of Rivonia Trial
Archive of the Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) and predecessor material including the Boycott Movement. Material directly related to the Rivonia Trial includes:
O.7 Political Prisoners Campaigns, 1956-95:
-O.7.1.b Correspondence, 1962-70: Correspondence concerning the Rivonia trialists and other condemned South African leaders, 1964 (MSS AAM 1791)
-O.7.5.e General files, 1961-95: Information on the Rivonia trial and trialists, 1963-90 (MSS AAM 1953)
W.2 African National Congress (ANC) posters, 1978-95:
'We salute our leaders. Sentenced to life imprisonment. Rivonia 1963. Mandela, Sisulu, Mbeki, Mhlaba, Motsoaledi, Mlangeni, Kathrada, Goldberg.' 1980s? Mainly black and white; photographs (MSS AAM 2512/2/4), 1 poster
Rivonia Trial references might also appear in other parts of this collection for example, the campaigns the AAM took relating to the Trial might appear in the minutes of the Executive Committee and in annual reports.
British Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM)
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
British Defence and Aid Fund Southern Africa : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 3]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
South African Political Papers of His Honour Judge Kellock
Part of Rivonia Trial
The material includes fragments of the Rivonia Trial Transcript concerning the details of the charges; news sheets and press releases about the Rivonia Trial; a statement by Kellock on the Trial; information sheets on South African legislation; minutes and circulars from the World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisoners. Other material includes Anti-Apartheid Movement correspondence, and national and executive committee meeting minutes for 1965 - 1966; correspondence relating to the South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee and its officials; and papers relating to the Nyasaland emergency of 1959.
Judge Kellock, (formerly Mr. Thomas Oslaf Kellock, Q.C.) was Chairman of the National Committee of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Britain from 1963-65. This group of papers is mostly concerned with the period when Mr. Kellock was sent to South Africa by Christian Action to act as an observer for the Defence and Aid Fund at the Rivonia Trial in 1964.
Kellock, Thomas Oslaf
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 4]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Anti-Apartheid Movement : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Commonwealth Pressure Groups, Trade Unions and Political Parties Materials
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Mandela First Television Interview
Part of Mandela Materials
Naidoo, Neville
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 3]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 4]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Amnesty International : International Secretariat : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Rand Daily Mail
Part of Mandela Materials
Joffe, Joel
Michael Peto Collection, 1962, London; [Set of 19 Still Images]
Part of 1.1.3 Nelson Mandela > Historical photos > Mandela with others
Peto, Michael
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives (United Kingdom)
Arrivals for the Mandela Trial
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Rivonia Trial
Joffe, Joel
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
British Embassy, Pretoria
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Mandela Materials
Benson, Mary
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Astor, David
Part of Rivonia Trial
Mendelson, John
Part of Mandela Materials
Mendelson, John
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Press Articles
Queen attends Parliament : Meets Mandela
Part of Mandela Materials
Rivonia Trial, South Africa, 1963-4: Nelson Mandela Dictabelt Dubbings
Part of Rivonia Trial
Dubbings of seven dictabelts loaned by the National Archives of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, of court recordings made at the Court of Justice in Pretoria on 20 April 1964. The blue 'dictabelts' are a type of audio recording, developed by the Dictaphone company, which was mainly used in offices between the 1940s and the 1960s. The short broad plastic belts were capable of being flattened and posted but could not be wiped and reused. It appears that the whole Rivonia Trial was recorded on dictabelts in line with normal court procedure at the time. These dubbings comprise only the opening of the defence case by Defence Counsel Bram Fischer, followed by interjections from Justice Quartus de Wet and Prosecutor Percy Yutar, then a three-hour speech by Accused Number One (Nelson Mandela). Extracts from the recordings have been published by SABC entitled 'The voice of Nelson Mandela: extracts from famous speeches', SABC/EMI, 2002 (EMI 724353736521; NSA shelfmark 1CD0189137).
Transcripts available.
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Life Under Apartheid Collection
Part of Rivonia Trial
The programmes and documents in this collection illustrate what life was like for ordinary South Africans under Apartheid, as well as documenting key political moments.
Items related directly to the Rivonia Trial:
-BBC Television programme: Panorama: Race Problems Around the World. The documentary deals with the growth of racial tension in the Britain and the USA as Mandela is imprisoned for life. This programme was first broadcast on 15 June 1964. 50 minutes, 25 seconds in length. Contains a report by Robin Day from Pretoria where Mandela and others have been sentenced in the Rivonia Trial. Includes interviews with those who condemn the trial and sentencing: Helen Suzman, Alan Paton, Winnie Mandela.
-Letter from a cameraman about "Panorama" programme (28 June 19964). This letter was sent by Ernest Christie to the series producer David Wheeler on South African press reaction to Robin Day's segment in the "Panorama: Race Problems Around the World" which he had filmed.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Elected Honorary President of the Students’ Union of University College, London
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Rand Daily Mail
Foreign Office: Cultural Relations Department
Part of Mandela Materials
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Mrs. Mandela Winnie Mandela on husbands 'sentence
Part of Mandela Materials
International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Elected Honorary President of the Students’ Union at the University of Leeds
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Birmingham Anti-Apartheid Movement
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Exeter and District Anti-Apartheid Group
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Palace of Justice as verdict on Mandela and others is given
Part of Mandela Materials
Merseyside Communist Party : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Merseyside Communist Party : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Southampton Anti-Apartheid Group
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
Christian Concern for Southern Africa
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Mandela Materials
Newly discovered nuclear particle was named after Mandela
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Honorary Life Membership of the Students’ Union at the University of London
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Honoray Lifetime Member of the University of London Union
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
National Archives United Kingdom
Part of Mandela Materials
Elected Honorary Vice-President of the National Union of Students (NUS)
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Anti-Apartheid Movement, London (London Anti-Apartheid Committee) branch : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Anti-Apartheid Movement, London (London Anti-Apartheid Committee) branch : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Anti-Apartheid Movement, London (London Anti-Apartheid Committee) branch : [Part 3]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Committee on South African War Resistance : [Part 1]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Committee on South African War Resistance : [Part 2]
Part of Anti-Apartheid Movement Archives
Part of Nelson Mandela Tributes
Part of Mandela Materials