Showing 1795 results

Places term Scope note Archival description count People and Organisations count
Robben Island Museum 1 0
Marshall Square 1 0
Newlands Police Station 1 0
Old Fort Prison 2 0
Mayibuye Centre 1 0
Voortrekker Monument 2 0
Bhunga Building 0 0
Condition 0 0
Nigel 1 0
Brenthurst Library 1 0
University of the Western Cape 3 0
Langlaagte Police Station 0 0
Grey College 1 0
South West Africa 1 0
New College 1 0
Oaklands 1 0
Cape Archives Repository 0 0
Eastern Cape Provincial Archives Service 1 0
&query= 0 0
University of Oxford 1 0
Gaul House 0 0
Masite Mission 0 0
Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO) 1 0
Trauma Centre 0 0
Mbare 0 0
University of Zimbabwe 0 0
Parirenyatwa Hospital 0 0
Avenues Clinic 0 0
El Salvador 0 0
Hastings 0 0
University of Natal 0 0
Mdantsane 0 0
University of the North 0 0
University of Pretoria 1 0
National University of Lesotho 0 0
Chimoyo 0 0
Kassinga 0 0
Mount Pleasant 0 0
Makokoba 0 0
Roma 0 0
Winburg 0 0
Lelapa la Jesu Seminary 0 0
Guatemala 0 0
University of Alberta 0 0
Dirker (Warrant Officer) 0 0
Presidential Archives 0 0
Cowley House 0 0
Matabeleland 0 0
Macassar 0 0
University of London 0 0
Gaza Strip 0 0
Central Indian High School 0 0
Danube River 0 0
Machavi 0 0
University of California 0 0
Verulam 0 0
Hamton Grove 0 0
Pinetown 0 0
Vaal Triangle 0 0
Market Street 0 0
Burnwood Drive 0 0
Delmas 0 0
Durban Central Prison 0 0
Diagonal Street 0 0
Walmer Estate 0 0
Barrack Street 0 0
End Street 0 0
Mansfield Road 0 0
Johannesburg City Hall 0 0
Salisbury 0 0
Kholvad House 0 0
Ottosdal 0 0
Cape Provincial Library 0 0
Luton 0 0
South India 0 0
Rissik Street 0 0
Orient House 0 0
Museum of African Art 0 0
House of Assembly 0 0
Michigan State University (MSU) 0 0
Beau-Rivage Palace Hotel 0 0
Beverly Hills 0 0
Bluewater Bay 0 0
Bochum 0 0
D'Ndyala Nature Reserve 0 0
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 2 0
Diepkloof East 1 0
Ekuhurleni 0 0
Ennerdale 0 0
European Court of Human Rights 0 0
Fourah Bay College 0 0
Gariep Dam 0 0
Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) 0 0
Grays, The 0 0
Group Areas Act 0 0
John Vorster Square 0 0
Kennedy School of Government 0 0
Leachville 0 0
Leeuwpan 0 0
Lenin Institute of Social Studies 0 0
Results 501 to 600 of 1795