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Dear Fellow Compatriots,
On this most auspicious occasion, on behalf of the leadership of the African National Congress, I would like to convey our best wishes for the Passover.
The Passover festival, that marks the commemoration of the emancipation from slavery of the children of Israel in ancient times, bears a message of universal human significance that has touched the hearts of millions throughout history, transcending all boundaries of geography, race or creed. The figure of Moses, the liberator, has served as an inspiration to every people who have been compelled to struggle for their liberation. The immortal words he spoke to Pharaoh:
"Let my People Go!"
reverberate through the corridors of time. They continue to inspire us in our quest for democracy and justice in South Africa today.
Our country today stands on the very threshold of a momentous transformation which must culminate in the attainment of freedom for all South Africans. We are all required to march together to complete this last mile to freedom.
Despite its relatively small numbers, the Jewish community in this country has made a contribution second to none to the development of South Africa. South African Jews have excelled in the arts, in the sciences, in scholarship, in the law and as employers and employees in the economy of our country. As a movement, the ANC recognises the particularly outstanding contribution that the South African Jewish community has made to the struggle for freedom and social justice.
During these testing times in our country's bitter history, there are forces, fanatically devoted to a discredited past, who wish to destroy all hope a peaceful future. Through our collective commitment to peace and justice we must deny them success. Those who are responsible for the unleashing of violence and mayhem are cleraly bent on thwarting the shared aspirations of Black and White South Africans for democracy.
May your special prayers for an end to all violence and oppression touch the hearts of all South Africans and bring you through this festive occasion spiritually enriched.
Shalom Alechem.
Peace be with you all during the Passover.