Item 1505 - A Message from Nelson Mandela to the National Conference on the Olive in Landscape, Culture and Peace

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Reference code

ZA COM MR-S-1505


A Message from Nelson Mandela to the National Conference on the Olive in Landscape, Culture and Peace


  • Mar-99 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

Transcription of speech made by Mr Mandela

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Name of creator

(18 July 1918-5 December 2013)

Biographical history

Archival history

Migrated from the Nelson Mandela Speeches Database (Sep-2018).

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  • English

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It was a source of great sustenance and succour to me to have been proclaimed by the Council of Ancient Olympia as an Honorary Citizen in 1983, at a time when I was still a prisoner. To be so honoured for fighting for those ideals - freedom, democracy and world peace - which were ages ago already nourished in the sacred ground of Olympia, inspired us to continue that struggle.
I have been informed of the plans to re-establish the Olympic Truce that in antiquity all participants in the Olympic games were required to observe, obliging them to cease all hostilities during that period. This development may, we hope, give further impetus to the idea of universal peace in our time and to the discouragement of war.

This initiative therefore has my full support. I join you in wishing for a world of peace in our lifetime.

Strength and best wishes to all who are engaged in this noble cause.


March 1999

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Acquisition method: Hardcopy ; Source: Nelson Mandela Foundation. Accessioned on 26-07-2012 by Kelsey Duinkerken




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