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ZA COM MR-S-1578
Africa-wide spot
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Transcription of speech made by Mr Mandela
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Migrated from the Nelson Mandela Speeches Database (Sep-2018).
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- English
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1. Africa-wide spot
This is Nelson Mandela and I would like to talk to you about a grave danger that is threatening Africa. It is a threat to our security, our communities, and even to the lives of our families. The threat is AIDS.
AIDS is a deadly disease that is spread mostly through unprotected sex. Every year, millions of people across Africa are dying from AIDS. The danger is real and it is growing.
However, there is hope. The spread of AIDS can be prevented. You can protect yourself by acting responsibly - by using condoms, by being faithful to your partner or by practicing abstinence.
The power to stop this terrible disease is ours and each person can make a difference. If we behave responsibly and stand together, this is a struggle that we can win.
2. Spot for Nigeria
This is Nelson Mandela and I would like to talk to you about a terrible
tragedy. It is a tragedy affecting millions of Nigerians and nearly 30 million people across Africa. The tragedy is AIDS.
AIDS is a deadly disease that is spread mostly through unprotected sex. It cannot be caught by sharing food, talking to or touching someone.
There is no shame in suffering from AIDS. The only shame would be to blame or reject the victims of this terrible disease. They are no different from us AIDS can strike anywhere, even in our own families. The victims of AIDS deserve our love, support and respect, both in their communities and their workplaces.
It is only by standing together and supporting each other that we can triumph over AIDS. It is in our power to do so and each person can help to bring this tragedy to an end.
3. Spot for Malawi
This is Nelson Mandela and I would like to talk to you about a terrible tragedy. It is a tragedy affecting hundreds of thousands of Malawians and nearly 30 million people across Africa. The tragedy is AIDS.
AIDS is a deadly disease that is spread mostly through unprotected sex. It can not be caught by sharing food, talking to or touching someone.
There is no shame in suffering from AIDS. The only shame would be to blame or reject the victims of this terrible disease. They are no different from us AIDS can strike anywhere, even in our own families. The victims of AIDS deserve our love, support and respect, both in
their communities and in their workplaces.
It is only by standing together and supporting each other that we can triumph over AIDS. It is in our power to do so and each person can help to bring this tragedy to an end.
1. Africa-wide spot
This is Nelson Mandela and I would like to talk to you about a grave danger that is threatening Africa. It is a threat to our security, our communities, and even to the lives of our families. The threat is AIDS.
AIDS is a deadly disease that is spread mostly through unprotected sex. Every year, millions of people across Africa are dying from AIDS. The danger is real and it is growing.
However, there is hope. The spread of AIDS can be prevented. You can protect yourself by acting responsibly - by using condoms, by being faithful to your partner or by practicing abstinence.
The power to stop this terrible disease is ours and each person can make a difference. If we behave responsibly and stand together, this is a struggle that we can win.
2. Spot for Nigeria
This is Nelson Mandela and I would like to talk to you about a terrible
tragedy. It is a tragedy affecting millions of Nigerians and nearly 30 million people across Africa. The tragedy is AIDS.
AIDS is a deadly disease that is spread mostly through unprotected sex. It cannot be caught by sharing food, talking to or touching someone.
There is no shame in suffering from AIDS. The only shame would be to blame or reject the victims of this terrible disease. They are no different from us AIDS can strike anywhere, even in our own families. The victims of AIDS deserve our love, support and respect, both in their communities and their workplaces.
It is only by standing together and supporting each other that we can triumph over AIDS. It is in our power to do so and each person can help to bring this tragedy to an end.
3. Spot for Malawi
This is Nelson Mandela and I would like to talk to you about a terrible tragedy. It is a tragedy affecting hundreds of thousands of Malawians and nearly 30 million people across Africa. The tragedy is AIDS.
AIDS is a deadly disease that is spread mostly through unprotected sex. It can not be caught by sharing food, talking to or touching someone.
There is no shame in suffering from AIDS. The only shame would be to blame or reject the victims of this terrible disease. They are no different from us AIDS can strike anywhere, even in our own families. The victims of AIDS deserve our love, support and respect, both in
their communities and in their workplaces.
It is only by standing together and supporting each other that we can triumph over AIDS. It is in our power to do so and each person can help to bring this tragedy to an end.
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Acquisition method: Hardcopy ; Source: . Accessioned on 2015/07/09 by Rivo and Themba