Item 388 - President Mandela's speech at thanksgiving service for Archbishop Desmond Tutu on his retirement

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President Mandela's speech at thanksgiving service for Archbishop Desmond Tutu on his retirement


  • 1996-06-23 (Creation)

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Transcription of speech made by Mr Mandela

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(18 July 1918-5 December 2013)

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Migrated from the Nelson Mandela Speeches Database (Sep-2018).

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ANC Website

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Thanksgiving Service for Archbishop Tutu's retirement

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  • English

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Publication note

Confers the Order of Meritorius Service (gold) on Tutu

Notes area


Mandela made some changes to the prepared speech, which are reflected in the verbatim speech.
Editorial changes for prepared speech:
Paragraph beginning: "Our new constitution embodies and secures our collective vision of a just non-racial, non-sexist, democratic society."
Changes made: All "constitution" changed to "Constitution"

Paragraph beginning: "In conclusion, may I say again to the Archbishop: "
Sentence in web text: "You were one of those who blazed the trail of the New Patriotism that is abroad in our land."
Changes made: "New Patriotism" changed to "new patriotism"



His Grace, the Most Revd, Desmond Mpilo Tutu:
His Grace, The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Revd George Carey leaders of Churches and religious communities in South Africa;
Your Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini;
Deputy President Thabo Mbeki;
Deputy President De Klerk;
Distinguished guests from abroad;
Fellow South Africans;
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a true privilege and honour for me to share in this thanksgiving service for the Archbishop of Cape Town and the Primate of the Church of The Province of Southern Africa, retires in one week's time, just ahead of his 65th birthday. I suspect that he is doing so just to set the record by retiring before I do!

I know that I speak for all of you, when I say that Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been a blessing and inspiration to countless people, here and abroad, through his ministry; his acts of compassion; his prophetic witness; and his political engagement.
He has a distinguished record as a leader of his Church and the ecumenical movement, and as a fearless fighter against the evil and inhuman system of apartheid.
He is renowned for selfless commitment to the poor, the oppressed and downtrodden. With his colleagues he remained an effective voice of the people of South Africa when so many of their leaders were imprisoned, exiled, banned and restricted.
Desmond Tutu is esteemed the world over for his commitment to justice and peace everywhere. He is forthright in condemning corruption. As President of the All Africa Conference of Churches he missed no opportunity to speak out against human rights violations and oppressive regimes in our continent and elsewhere. The Nobel Peace Prize measures his extensive international recognition.
His most characteristic quality is his readiness to take unpopular positions without fear. Thus it was that he campaigned for sanctions against apartheid at a time when Churches in South Africa were still hesitating. He speaks his mind on matters of public morality. As a result he annoyed many of the leaders of the apartheid system. Nor has spared those that followed them - he has from time to time annoyed many of us who belong to the new order. But such independence of mind - however wrong and unstrategic it may at times be - is vital to a thriving democracy.
I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the Archbishop for his valuable contribution to the struggle for freedom and justice.
The way you accompanied our people on the long walk to freedom helped foster respect for life and for human rights, irrespective of colour, religion, gender or age.


Our new Constitution embodies and secures our collective vision of a just non-racial, non-sexist, democratic society.
Making a reality of that vision is the supreme challenge that faces us all. As long as many of our people still live in utter poverty; as long as children still live under plastic covers; as long as many of our people are still without jobs; no South African should rest and wallow in the joy of freedom.
The touchstone of our success in transforming South African society will be the extent to which we correct the imbalances and inequalities created by apartheid. The seriousness of our intent is inscribed in our macroeconomic strategy for growth, employment and redistribution. It is a framework within which all sectors of our society can join hands and, putting long-term interests above short-term considerations, achieve our goals for transformation, for reconstruction and development.


In this great partnership of religious community has a special and important role. As the Churches in South Africa and abroad accompanied us in the struggle for justice and peace, so should they now accompany us in building a just and equitable society.
This is not a call for the religious community to accompany government uncritically. Uncritical support would endanger our infant democracy. On the other hand criticism without visible action to help alleviate poverty and suffering can only serve to discredit the message of the Church. Rather, the way forward is in what some theologians have called "critical solidarity" with government in the reconstruction and development of the country.
The track record of the religious communities, both before and after the achievement of democracy, makes us confident that in them we do indeed have strategic partners, in the project of empowering our people to use their freedom to work together for a better life.


In the building of our new nation, reconstruction goes hand in hand with reconciliation. We look to the Church, with its message of justice, peace, forgiveness and healing, to play a key role in helping our people, of every colour, to move from the divisions of the past to a future that is united in a commitment to correct wrongs and restore a just order.
Archbishop Tutu, with his celebration of our Rainbow Nation and his powerfully healing guidance of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, is an inspiration to us all in this most crucial task of reconciling our nation.
His joy in our diversity and his spirit of forgiveness are as much part of his immeasurable contribution to our nation as his passion for justice and his solidarity with the poor.


In conclusion, may I say again to the Archbishop: We are thankful for all that you have done. You were one of those who blazed the trail of the new patriotism that is abroad in our land. We wish you peace and joy in your retirement.



[Verbatim Speech]

His Grace, the Most Reverend, Desmond Mpilo Tutu;
His Grace, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend George Carey;
Honourable Leaders of Churches and religious communities in South Africa;
Your Majesty King Letsie of Lesotho;
Your excellencies, President Ketumile Masire of Botswana;
President Joachim Chissano of Mozambique
Your Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini;
Deputy President Thabo Mbeki;
Deputy President De Klerk;
Distinguished guests from abroad;
Fellow South Africans;
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is a true privilege and honour for me to share in this thanksgiving service for the Ministry of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I am told that this young man, the Archbishop of Cape Town and the Primate of the Church of The Province of Southern Africa, retires in one week's time, just ahead of his 65th birthday. I suspect that he is doing so just to set the record by retiring before I do!
I know that I speak for all of you, when I say that Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been a blessing and inspiration to countless people, here and abroad, through his ministry; his acts of compassion; his prophetic witness; and his political engagement.
He has a distinguished record as a leader of his Church and the ecumenical movement, and as a fearless fighter against the evil and inhuman system of apartheid.
He is renowned for selfless commitment to the poor, the oppressed and downtrodden. With his colleagues he remained an effective voice of the people of South Africa when so many of their leaders were imprisoned, exiled, banned and restricted.
As His Grace, the Archbishop of Cantebury has said. Desmond Tutu is esteemed the world over for his commitment to justice and peace everywhere. He is forthright in condemning corruption. As President of the All Africa Conference of Churches he missed no opportunity to speak out against human rights violations and oppressive regimes in our continent and elsewhere. The Nobel Peace Prize measures his extensive international recognition.
His most characteristic quality is his readiness to take unpopular positions without fear. Thus it was that he campaigned for sanctions against apartheid at a time when Churches in South Africa were still hesitating. He speaks his mind on matters of public morality. As a result he annoyed many of the leaders of the apartheid system. Nor has spared those that followed them - he has from time to time annoyed many of us who belong to the new order. But such independence of mind - however wrong and unstrategic it may at times be - is vital to a thriving democracy.
I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the Archbishop for his valuable contribution to the struggle for freedom and justice.
The way you accompanied our people on the long walk to freedom helped foster respect for life and for human rights, irrespective of colour, religion, gender or age.
Our new Constitution embodies and secures our collective vision of a just non-racial, non-sexist, democratic society.
Making a reality of that vision is the supreme challenge that faces us all. As long as many of our people still live in utter poverty; as long as children still live under plastic covers; as long as many of our people are still without jobs; no South African should rest and wallow in the joy of freedom.
The touchstone of our success in transforming South African society will be the extent to which we correct the imbalances and inequalities created by apartheid. The seriousness of our intent is inscribed in our macroeconomic strategy for growth, employment and redistribution. It is a framework within which all sectors of our society can join hands and, putting long-term interests above short-term considerations, achieve our goals for transformation, for reconstruction and development.
In this great partnership the religious community has a special and important role. As the Churches in South Africa and abroad accompanied us in the struggle for justice and peace, so should they now accompany us in building a just and equitable society.
This is not a call for the religious community to accompany government uncritically. Uncritical support would endanger our infant democracy. On the other hand criticism without visible action to help alleviate poverty and suffering can only serve to discredit the message of the Church. Rather, the way forward is in what some theologians have called "critical solidarity" with government in the reconstruction and development of the country.
The track record of the religious communities, both before and after the achievement of democracy, makes us confident that in them we do indeed have strategic partners, in the project of empowering our people to use their freedom to work together for a better life.
In the building of our new nation, reconstruction goes hand in hand with reconciliation. We look to the Church, with its message of justice, peace, forgiveness and healing, to play a key role in helping our people, of every colour, to move from the divisions of the past to a future that is united in a commitment to correct wrongs and restore a just order.
Archbishop Tutu, with his celebration of our Rainbow Nation and his powerfully healing guidance of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, is an inspiration to us all in this most crucial task of reconciling our nation.
His joy in our diversity and his spirit of forgiveness are as much part of his immeasurable contribution to our nation as his passion for justice and his solidarity with the poor.
In conclusion, may I say again to the Archbishop: We are thankful for all that you have done. You were one of those who blazed the trail of the new patriotism that is abroad in our land. We wish you peace and joy in your retirement.
And now as a token of our nation’s gratitude and love, it will be my honour to bestow on you the order for meritorious service in recognition of the outstanding service you have rendered in the public interest.
Thank you

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Acquisition method: Audio Recording ; Source: Verbatim transcript by NMCMANC Website. Accessioned on 22/11/06 by Helen Joannides




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