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Demonstrations against proclamation of Republic : Answers to questions by Drum
- May 1961 (Creation)
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Transcription of speech made by Mr Mandela
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Migrated from the Nelson Mandela Speeches Database (Sep-2018).
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ANC website.
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Occasion - Drum asked several non-European leaders for answers to three questions concerning the planned deomstrations. These were Mr. Mandela's answers.
Summary - The demonstrations will be peaceful and will include work stoppages, meetings and processions. The aim of the protest is to have grievances heard and, ideally, have a national convention to discuss a new constitution.
Summary - The demonstrations will be peaceful and will include work stoppages, meetings and processions. The aim of the protest is to have grievances heard and, ideally, have a national convention to discuss a new constitution.
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- English
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Publication note
Published in Drum May 1961
Notes area
Question: Do you advocate peaceful demonstrations for May 31?
Answer: My association with the present campaign is now public knowledge. Everyone knows that I advocate such demonstrations. My answer is simply - yes.
Question: What form should the demonstrations around Republic Day take?
Answer: The programme includes a national stoppage of work for a number of days, the holding of meetings and processions. The details vary in different areas according to local issues.
Question: What aim should the demonstrations - against a republic on which our people have not been consulted - aim at?
Answer: The people will be called upon to continue their protests until their grievances are met. Alternatively, we want the government to call an all-in national convention to discuss an entirely new constitution here.
Question: Do you advocate peaceful demonstrations for May 31?
Answer: My association with the present campaign is now public knowledge. Everyone knows that I advocate such demonstrations. My answer is simply - yes.
Question: What form should the demonstrations around Republic Day take?
Answer: The programme includes a national stoppage of work for a number of days, the holding of meetings and processions. The details vary in different areas according to local issues.
Question: What aim should the demonstrations - against a republic on which our people have not been consulted - aim at?
Answer: The people will be called upon to continue their protests until their grievances are met. Alternatively, we want the government to call an all-in national convention to discuss an entirely new constitution here.
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Acquisition method: From website ; Source: ANC website. Accessioned on 2 Nov 2006 by Helen Joannides