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White certificate with translucent overlaying sheet, housed in blue folder with gold Brazilian coat of arms engraved on the top right corner. Taken out of folder for preservation. Cover interior is lined with blue satin. A green and yellow ribbon extends from bottom left corner to upper right corner. Certificate has the gold coat of arms of Brazil near the top, followed by the blue and green University of Brasilia logo underneath. Certificate is written in Portuguese. Font is in black and gold and reads as follows:
República Federativa do Brasil
Universidade Brasilia
Brasilia, de __ de 19__
O Reitor da Universidade de Brasília, Presidente do Conselho Universitário, no uso das atribuicoes
Que Ihe são conferidas,
Outorga a
Nelson Mandela
O título
Doutor Honoris Causa
Por sua acao em pol do melhor entendimento entre os povos.
English Translation:
Federative Republic of Brazil
Brasilia University
Brasilia, __ of __of 19__
The Rector of the University of Brasilia, President of the University Council, in exercise of the powers
Conferred on him that,
Granting to
Nelson Mandela
Doctor Honoris Causa
By his action in inches of better understanding among peoples.