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- 15 April 1989 (Creation)
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White certificate housed in black cylinder with gold crossing ribbons. Taken out of cylinder for preservation. Certificate has the multicoloured seal of Kwekwe (bird and leopard) on the upper left corner. Certificate text, in gold, black, and red, reads:
We the Mayor, Alderman, and councillors of the Municipality of Kwekwe in pursuance of the resolution of a special meeting of the Council held this day, hereby confer the Honorary Freedom of the Town of Kwekwe upon Cde Nelson Mandela, an outstanding leader of the African National Congress, as a token of the honor and esteem in which he is held by the Citizens of Kwekwe and in appreciation of, and in regard for his distinguished, honourable and unwavering courageous stand against apartheid and his struggle for National Independence for the people of Azania
We accordingly admit Cde Nelson Mandela to be an Honoourary Freeman of the Town of Kwekwe, given under the seal of the town of Kwekwe on this fifteenth day of April, 1989
Signed by: Town Clerk, Mayor
A framed replica of a key in gold and in a gold frame. Maroon background