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102 Archival description results for France

67 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among Peoples [Mouvement Contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples]

MRAP was established in 1941 under the name Mouvement National Contre le Racisme (National Movement Against Racism) as a general anti-racism organisation. It changed its name to MRAP in 1949. It worked with other national and international organisations on anti-apartheid campaigns.

National Gathering against Apartheid [Rencontre National contre l’Apartheid] : [Part 1]

RNCA was a national organisation which started in the 1970s as L’Association Française d’Amitié avec les Peuples d’Afrique (AFASPA). AFASPA was created by trade unionists and anti-colonialists and most of it activities were focused on the French colonies. In 1986 RNCA was formed by AFASPA to focus solely on anti-apartheid activities. In the beginning it mainly worked towards the implementation of sanctions, but it later became a strong supporter of the ANC office in Paris. RNCA continues to operate as Rencontre National avec le People d’Afrique du Sud (RENAPAS).

National Gathering against Apartheid [Rencontre National contre l’Apartheid] : [Part 2]

RNCA was a national organisation which started in the 1970s as L’Association Française d’Amitié avec les Peuples d’Afrique (AFASPA). AFASPA was created by trade unionists and anti-colonialists and most of it activities were focused on the French colonies. In 1986 RNCA was formed by AFASPA to focus solely on anti-apartheid activities. In the beginning it mainly worked towards the implementation of sanctions, but it later became a strong supporter of the ANC office in Paris. RNCA continues to operate as Rencontre National avec le People d’Afrique du Sud (RENAPAS).

Criminal Court Case No. 253/1963 (State Versus N Mandela and Others)

The Rivonia Trial was the first time that the state used its powers under the Acts, that banned the African National Congress (ANC) and the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) in 1960, to arrest and prosecute the top leadership structure of the largest internal anti-apartheid organisation involved in the struggle for a democratic South Africa. This trial gave Nelson Mandela the opportunity to proclaim the aim and goal of the ANC from the dock to the public at large. The court case led to the imprisonment of leaders such as Nelson Mandela on Robben Island and other prisons until their release in 1990.

National Archives and Record Service of South Africa (NARSSA)

Nelson Mandela : Au nom de la liberté

Nelson Mandela is a legend. A icon. A name. Nowadays, 90 year-old Mandela has no longer any official responsibilities, and he devotes a lot of time fighting against AIDS through his foundation. His life became a destiny. It began in a village of Transkei province and was crown by a Nobel Peace Prize. An unbelievable political life which contrasts with a dramatic personal life. Who is really Nelson Mandela? This film tries to answer this question, by setting Mandela's story back in the context of his country: South Africa.

Calmettes, Joel

Mrs Mandela : [Filmography]

A film about one of the most extraordinary and controversial women in recent history. When Nelson Mandela was released after 27 years in prison on 11th February 1990, the entire world saw Winnie Mandela walking at his side. MRS MANDELA, played by Oscar nominee Sophie Okonedo, focuses on how Winnie survived the 27 years without him. Part triumph, part tragedy and an unravelling love story, the film charts Winnie Mandela's progress from innocent country girl to politicised fighter against apartheid, from adoring wife to revolutionary firebrand, and asks the question: was she a saint or sinner... Cast: Sophie Okonedo, David Harewood, David Morrissey

Baptiste, Madonna

The city of Paris names a garden after Nelson Mandela; Jardin Nelson Mandela

On the 7th Of June 1990, on his first trip abroad after imprisonment, Nelson Mandela visited the City of Paris and gave a speech. He was received like a head of state, although he was not one at the time. Accompanied by Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela, that trip to France came with a clear message that "France must support a new & reformed South Africa". Four years later, Nelson Mandela became the first black democratic President of South Africa. A few weeks after his election, François Mitterr became the first Head of State to be received on an official visit by Madiba. The garden was opened in May 2018, after 5 years of work.
Zandile Myeka, a Metadata and Photographs Archivist at the Nelson Mandela Foundation visited the garden in July 2024, and took photographs of the €40 million, four hectares green space garden.

Madiba Honoured with Fresco in France: The largest Mandela mural ever

While South Africans waited with bated breath to hear the results of the May 2024 elections, a reminder of the man who symbolises democracy in South Africa and the world has taken up space gorgeously thanks to a new fresco painting in France.

In Ville de Créteil, Nelson Mandela beams in epic proportion at a height of a whopping 44 meters. Not only is the fresco the sum of talent and breathtaking detail, it is also reportedly the largest mural of Madiba in the world as the Embassy of France in South Africa shared.


Pieter Boersma Collection: [Set of 41 Still Images]

Three sub-series of photographs by Pieter Boersma.
1. Nelson Mandela's visits to the Netherlands and France in 1990.; meeting with the Dutch Labour party (PvdA), the Association of West-European Parliamentarians against Apartheid (AWEPA) in Strasbourg and the Dutch Anti-Apartheid Movement.
2.Nelson Mandela's visits to Belgium in 1993 meeting the Belgian Parliament
3. Nelson Mandela at the ANC Rally in Soweto addressing the crowd in a stadium with Chris Hani standing next to him and Walter Sisulu on stage.

Boersma, Pieter

Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel meeting with French President Nickolas Sarkorzy, 2007-2008, France: [Recorded Event]

Video on French Palais exterior, inside Nelson Mandela Graca Machel and the French presidential guests looking at a photo album with French President Nickolas Sarkorzy. Nelson Mandela telling the people who is in the photos, later Nickolas Sarkorzi and Nelson Mandela both signing a portrait of Nelson Mandela looking out of his prison cell n on a re-visit to Robben Island outside Palais security guards.

Giant Media

Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel visit President Sarkorzy, 2007-2008, France: [Recorded Event]

Video on Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel visit President Sarkorzy addresses Nelson Mandela in French and Madiba has an interpreter. Achmat Dangor gives the president a gift who thanks both Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel. CEO’s and other Captains of industries who inform Nelson Mandela about their work. Interviews.

Giant Media

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