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Mandela’s unpublished autobiographical manuscript written on Robben Island

Electronic files (MS Word - converted to PDF and jpeg) of Nelson Mandela's original autobiography written on Robben Island. It covers his life story from birth to about 1976. It was intended that the manuscript be published to mark Mr Mandela's 60th birthday in 1978 and help draw attention to the freedom struggle. The ANC leadership decided not to publish it. It later formed the basis for Mr Mandela's autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom".

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Donald Card Collection

  • Subseries
  • 1969-02-04 - 1971-04-01
  • Part of Prison Collection

Two hardcover exercise books containing handwritten drafts of letters from Nelson Mandela to family, friends, and the authorities; and 1 loose sheet with record of family visits.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Assorted Papers

  • NMPP-PC-2009/5.2
  • Subseries
  • 1980 - 1990
The subseries consists of a 1990 diary given to him by JN and Radhi Singh, Methodist Church Sunday Service booklet and a file of assorted papers.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Prison Desk Calendars

The subseries consists of 12 printed desk calendars with handwritten notes covering the period between 1976 and 1989. The years 1978 and 1985 are missing from the collection. The calendars were used as a diary by Nelson Mandela while in prison and contain entries concerning matters such as visits, dreams, films, books, personal health and politics.

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Prison Collection - ANC Donation, 1962-1989

1 blue, soft cover, school exercise book, Tudor Scribbler, containing personal medical notes and details of letters received; 1 school exercise book, hard cover, black, red binding, record of letters received, medical notes, and 2 pages on 'Family Matters'; 258 items of correspondence, mostly letters, plus a few greeting cards and several telegrams written to & drafts written by Nelson Mandela while he was in prison

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

Nelson Mandela the 90 year, 2007-2008: [Compile]

Footage of Nelson Mandela 46664 London press conference with the musicians who will be performing the 46664 concert in London. Musicians a general photo opportunity with Nelson Mandela and later each have individual photo opportunity with Nelson Mandela. Annie Lennox and Peter Gabriel addresses the musicians. Fundraising dinner attended by Nelson Mandela with Graca Machel, an auction takes place.

Giant Media


C3.1 Incomplete Afrikaans letter to Jakes Gerwel from unknown sender 1998
C3.2 Letter to Jakes Gerwel from Floris Brown, 10 June 2002 2002
C3.3 Letter from Jakes Gewel to G Barnes and Son re unfinished renovations at his home 2002
C3.4 Letter from Jakes Gerwel to Vodacom regarding hands-free kit 2004
C3.5 Letter extending Jakes Gerwel's membership of the Nelson Mandela Museum Council 2002


Notebook with ms notes by JG; inserts: loose page with photograph of 4 girls captioned "Die vier Abrahams susters" and guest list and menu (circa 2017)


C1.1 Early prose and poetry (not itemised, circa early 1970s) (1 folder)
C1.1.1 Ms "Die man met die lang kop" dated and signed, 27/5/80. Illustrated. Ms "Die prins en die sonstraaldiamante", dated and signed 29//5/1980. Illustrated. Ms "'n Potlood kan loop", dated and signed 30-31/5/1980. Illustrated. Ts version of each. Unsigned and undated ms report/critique.
"Die wind waai hard" and"Vir Pearl Cleage"
"Jou mooi bloed op my hande" (Vir Johan)
"Sy offer" (kortverhaal)
"Gebed om die son"
"O! My mooi bruin taal"
C1.1.2 Fragments of prose and poetry, and doodles
C1.1.3 Ms anthology of poems and short pieces (undated)
C1.1.4 Ms booklet titled "Tekene van die tyd"
Ms booklet titled "UMshushmbo"
Ms booklet titled "Creative Art I"
Ms booklet titled "Creative Art II"
C1.1.5 Anthologies and loose poems
C1.1.6 Ms poem "Vir Breyten"
Loose poems
Ms poems
Fragments of prose and poetic pieces
C1.1.7 Items pertaining to "Sage van Mistraalshoop" (satirical piece)
C1.1.8 Fragments of prose and poetry (loose pages and black hard-cover book)

Lecture, 2014.08.09, Cape Town: [Set of 80 Still Images]

President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, presenting the 12th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture on 9 August 2014. This event marks the 52nd anniversary of Mr Mandela’s capture on 5 August 1962.
The lecture was held at the historic City Hall in the City of Cape Town, a significant and poignant venue, as it is from this location that Mr Mandela gave his inaugural address to the people of South Africa after being released from prison in 1990. The theme of the 2014 lecture is "Building social cohesion through active citizenship".
The reception was held immediately after the lecture.

Kritzinger, Jac

Flow, 2012.08.05, Cape Town: [Set of 173 Images]

Mary Robinson, keynote speaker at the Tenth Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture with Patricia de Lille, Mayor of Cape Town, Graça Machel and Professor Jakes Gerwel, chairperson of the Nelson Mandela Foundation arriving before the start of the lecture and photos of the social event after the lecture.

Flow Communications (Pty) Ltd


The Nelson Mandela 5th Annual Lecture with Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel laureate. The focus of the Lecture was on the progress of Africa, that it needed to be balanced on three pillars: security, development and human rights.


Global Interface, 2007.07.22, Johannesburg: [Set of 269 Images]

The Nelson Mandela 5th Annual Lecture with Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel laureate. The focuse of the Lecture was on the progress of Africa, that it needed to be balanced on three pillars: security, development and human rights.

Global Interface

Mandela prison house notes

54 images of Mandela's daily meals, food lists, prescriptions for meals, telephone lists, inventories by room,

Swart, Jack

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