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Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla
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Разговори със себе си
Разговори със себе си
Xhamela is no more : Tribute to Walter Sisulu
Xhamela is no more : Tribute to Walter Sisulu
World Civilisation : Inuagural BP Lecture, British Museum, November 2000
World Civilisation : Inuagural BP Lecture, British Museum, November 2000
While you were out
While you were out
What makes a champion
What makes a champion
Welcoming address to Workshop on Anti-Trust Monopolies and Mergers Policy convened by the ANC
Welcoming address to Workshop on Anti-Trust Monopolies and Mergers Policy convened by the ANC
Welcome to Trustees by President Nelson Mandela at Annual General Meeting at the Presidential Guest House
Welcome to Trustees by President Nelson Mandela at Annual General Meeting at the Presidential Guest House
Welcome Statement by Mr NR Mandela President of the Republic of South Africa at a Reception Hosted by the South African Chefs Association for the Delegates attending the 26th Congress of the World Association of Cooks Societies
Welcome Statement by Mr NR Mandela President of the Republic of South Africa at a Reception Hosted by the South African Chefs Association for the Delegates attending the 26th Congress of the World Association of Cooks Societies
Welcome and opening address by President Nelson Mandela at the Summit Meeting of SADC Heads of State and Government
Welcome and opening address by President Nelson Mandela at the Summit Meeting of SADC Heads of State and Government
We stand today on the shoulders of such giants : Chief Luthuli
We stand today on the shoulders of such giants : Chief Luthuli
We Defy : 10,000 volunteers protest against 'unjust laws'
We Defy : 10,000 volunteers protest against 'unjust laws'
War and Peace [_nTT3YpG1QI]
War and Peace [_nTT3YpG1QI]
Walter Sisulu Paedetric Cardiac Centre, Nov 2003
Walter Sisulu Paedetric Cardiac Centre, Nov 2003
Walk the last mile with us: Nelson Mandela’s speeches in Ireland : [Bibliography]
Walk the last mile with us: Nelson Mandela’s speeches in Ireland : [Bibliography]
Visiting Poet [RiHp32yGK2U]
Visiting Poet [RiHp32yGK2U]
Visit to Switzerland by President Mr Mandela : Media Statement: Visit to Switzerland by President Mr Mandela: 2- 5 September 1997
Visit to Switzerland by President Mr Mandela : Media Statement: Visit to Switzerland by President Mr Mandela: 2- 5 September 1997
Visit to South Africa by the President of Sudan :
Visit to South Africa by the President of Sudan :
Visit to South Africa by Mr Ramos- Horta : Media Statement on visit to South Africa by Mr Ramos Horta
Visit to South Africa by Mr Ramos- Horta : Media Statement on visit to South Africa by Mr Ramos Horta
Visit of President Mandela to Zimbabwe : Media Statement: Visit of President Nelson Mandela to Zimbabwe on 19- 21 May 1997
Visit of President Mandela to Zimbabwe : Media Statement: Visit of President Nelson Mandela to Zimbabwe on 19- 21 May 1997
Visit by President Suharto of Indonesia to South Africa
Visit by President Suharto of Indonesia to South Africa
Violence in 1990 [f_3iV4ssICY]
Violence in 1990 [f_3iV4ssICY]
Video message by Nelson Mandela to the Satyagraha Centenary Conference, 29-30 January, New Delhi
Video message by Nelson Mandela to the Satyagraha Centenary Conference, 29-30 January, New Delhi
Verklaring Deur ANC President Nelson Mandela Huisbestting Krisis in die Wes- Kaap
Verklaring Deur ANC President Nelson Mandela Huisbestting Krisis in die Wes- Kaap
Vejen til frihed : En selvbiografi
Vejen til frihed : En selvbiografi
Vejen til frihed : En selvbiografi
Vejen til frihed : En selvbiografi
Vejen til frihed : En selvbiografi
Vejen til frihed : En selvbiografi
Veien til frihet
Veien til frihet
Unser weg in die Freiheit: Redeu und Schriften : [Bibliography]
Unser weg in die Freiheit: Redeu und Schriften : [Bibliography]
Unite! Mobilise! Fight on! Between the anvil of united mass action and the hammer of the armed struggle we shall crush Apartheid!
Unite! Mobilise! Fight on! Between the anvil of united mass action and the hammer of the armed struggle we shall crush Apartheid!
Un long chemin vers la liberté : [Bibliography]
Un long chemin vers la liberté : [Bibliography]
Un Camino nada fácil hacia la libertad / No easy road to freedom
Un Camino nada fácil hacia la libertad / No easy road to freedom
Uitdagings van n' Komende Verkiesikng
Uitdagings van n' Komende Verkiesikng
Typed letter to Kgalema Motlanthe[kgalema004.jpg]
Typed letter to Kgalema Motlanthe[kgalema004.jpg]
Two historic speeches: The historic speech of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela at the Rivonia Trial as delivered from the dock on April 20, 1964: The address to the nation from the balcony of the Cape Town City Hall, February 11,1990 : [Bibliography]
Two historic speeches: The historic speech of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela at the Rivonia Trial as delivered from the dock on April 20, 1964: The address to the nation from the balcony of the Cape Town City Hall, February 11,1990 : [Bibliography]
Tribute to Walter Sisulu at the unveiling of his tombstone, December 2003
Tribute to Walter Sisulu at the unveiling of his tombstone, December 2003
Tribute to Arthur Ashe
Tribute to Arthur Ashe
Tribute Paid to Oliver Reginald Tambo at a Private Service Arranged by the Tambo Family
Tribute Paid to Oliver Reginald Tambo at a Private Service Arranged by the Tambo Family
Tribute by Former State President Nelson Mandela at the funeral service of Walter Sisulu
Tribute by Former State President Nelson Mandela at the funeral service of Walter Sisulu
Toespraak van President Mandela tydens'n besoek aan die Algemene Sinode van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk
Toespraak van President Mandela tydens'n besoek aan die Algemene Sinode van die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk
Toespraak van President Mandela by geleentheid van 'n onthaal deur die Burgemeester van Pretoria
Toespraak van President Mandela by geleentheid van 'n onthaal deur die Burgemeester van Pretoria
Toespraak van President Mandela by Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Toespraak van President Mandela by Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela Tydens 'n Ontmoeting met Afrikaanse Vroue Organisasies
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela Tydens 'n Ontmoeting met Afrikaanse Vroue Organisasies
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela ten tye van die Loodsing van Matthew Phosa se boek " Deur Die Oog Van 'n Naald"
Toespraak deur President Nelson Mandela ten tye van die Loodsing van Matthew Phosa se boek " Deur Die Oog Van 'n Naald"
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n dinee aangebied deur Mimosa Rolprentproduksies
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n dinee aangebied deur Mimosa Rolprentproduksies
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan Potchefstroom Universiteit
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan Potchefstroom Universiteit
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan Oudtshoorn
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan Oudtshoorn
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan Genadendal
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan Genadendal
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan die Ruiterwag-Saamtrek vir jong Afrikaner-Leiers
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan die Ruiterwag-Saamtrek vir jong Afrikaner-Leiers
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan die Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuur Vereniging (ATKV)
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens 'n besoek aan die Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuur Vereniging (ATKV)
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens by die geleentheid ter ontvangs van 'n Ere-Graad van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela tydens by die geleentheid ter ontvangs van 'n Ere-Graad van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela ten tyde van 'n aandete aangebied deur die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela ten tyde van 'n aandete aangebied deur die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by 'n ontmoeting met die Afrikanergemeenskap in Pretoria
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by 'n ontmoeting met die Afrikanergemeenskap in Pretoria
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by die geleentheid ter ontvangs van 'n ere-graad van die Universiteit van Pretoria
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by die geleentheid ter ontvangs van 'n ere-graad van die Universiteit van Pretoria
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by die geelentheid ter ontvangs van Ere-Burgerskap van Paarl
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by die geelentheid ter ontvangs van Ere-Burgerskap van Paarl
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by die 60e Sinode-sitting van die Volkskerk van Afrika
Toespraak deur die President Nelson Mandela by die 60e Sinode-sitting van die Volkskerk van Afrika
Toespraak Aantekeninge vir President Nelson Mandela vergadering met ANC Tak Uitvoerende Lede van die Noord-Kaap
Toespraak Aantekeninge vir President Nelson Mandela vergadering met ANC Tak Uitvoerende Lede van die Noord-Kaap
Toast by President Nelson Mandela in his honour at a luncheon in Budapest hosted by President Goncz of Hungary
Toast by President Nelson Mandela in his honour at a luncheon in Budapest hosted by President Goncz of Hungary
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at the banquet in honour of the President of Ireland
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at the banquet in honour of the President of Ireland
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a State Banquet in his honour hosted by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a State Banquet in his honour hosted by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a State Banquet in his honour hosted by Queen Margrethe of Denmark
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a State Banquet in his honour hosted by Queen Margrethe of Denmark
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a luncheon hosted by President Ahtisaari of Finland
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a luncheon hosted by President Ahtisaari of Finland
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a Banquet in Russia
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a Banquet in Russia
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a Banquet hosted by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Toast by President Nelson Mandela at a Banquet hosted by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Toast by Mandela to Prime Minister Simitis of Greece
Toast by Mandela to Prime Minister Simitis of Greece
Toast by Mandela at a luncheon in Stockholm, Sweden
Toast by Mandela at a luncheon in Stockholm, Sweden
To the Minister of Justice
To the Minister of Justice
To the Minister of Justice
To the Minister of Justice
To the commanding officer [Major Huiseman]
To the commanding officer [Major Huiseman]
To the commanding officer [Major Huiseman]
To the commanding officer [Major Huiseman]
To the command officer Major Huiseman
To the command officer Major Huiseman
To Sibalikazi Othandekayo [Timothy Mbuzo]
To Sibalikazi Othandekayo [Timothy Mbuzo]
To Sanna, my geliefste sussie [Sanna Teyise]
To Sanna, my geliefste sussie [Sanna Teyise]
To Rakgadi ya Rategang [Mrs Z K Matthews]
To Rakgadi ya Rategang [Mrs Z K Matthews]
To Our dear Zuki [Zukiswa Matji]
To Our dear Zuki [Zukiswa Matji]
To Our dear Vuyo [Vuyo Masondo]
To Our dear Vuyo [Vuyo Masondo]
To our dear Ompragash [Tim Maharaj]
To our dear Ompragash [Tim Maharaj]
To Our dear Nolusapho [Irene Mkwayi]
To Our dear Nolusapho [Irene Mkwayi]
To Our dear Nolusapho [Irene Mkwayi]
To Our dear Nolusapho [Irene Mkwayi]
To Our dear Mndhlunkulu [Irene Buthelezi]
To Our dear Mndhlunkulu [Irene Buthelezi]
To Our dear Ma [Nokukanya Luthuli]
To Our dear Ma [Nokukanya Luthuli]
To our dear ma [Mrs S M Molema]
To our dear ma [Mrs S M Molema]
To our dear ma [Mrs P K Madikizela]
To our dear ma [Mrs P K Madikizela]
To Our dear hayebo [Jane Xaba]
To Our dear hayebo [Jane Xaba]
To Onsegeliefde Kiesie [Christine Scholtz]
To Onsegeliefde Kiesie [Christine Scholtz]
To O/B Fourie
To O/B Fourie
To Ntombi yakowethu [Nomabutho Bhala]
To Ntombi yakowethu [Nomabutho Bhala]
To my dear Zindzi [Zindzi Mandel]
To my dear Zindzi [Zindzi Mandel]
to My dear Uncle Marsh [Marshall Xaba]
to My dear Uncle Marsh [Marshall Xaba]
To My dear Tshezi [Adelaide Mase]
To My dear Tshezi [Adelaide Mase]
To My dear Thoko [Lydia Thoko Mandela]
To My dear Thoko [Lydia Thoko Mandela]
To my dear Sef [Sefton Vuthela]
To my dear Sef [Sefton Vuthela]
To My dear Radebe [Mashumi Paul Mzaidume]
To My dear Radebe [Mashumi Paul Mzaidume]
To my dear Onica [Onica Mashigo]
To my dear Onica [Onica Mashigo]
To my dear Nyanya [Nonyaniso Madikizela]
To my dear Nyanya [Nonyaniso Madikizela]
To my dear Nomvula [Joyce Sikakane]
To my dear Nomvula [Joyce Sikakane]
To My dear Nkozana [Tellie Mtirara]
To My dear Nkozana [Tellie Mtirara]
to My dear Nkosazana [Tellie Mandela]
to My dear Nkosazana [Tellie Mandela]
To my dear Nkosazana [Leabie Piliso]
To my dear Nkosazana [Leabie Piliso]
To My dear Niki [Niki Iris Xaba]
To My dear Niki [Niki Iris Xaba]
Results 1 to 100 of 2643